Computer Handyman Of Long Island, Inc."We make MouseCalls"
SpamUnwanted junk email wastes time in corporate and home environments. The battle against spam reminds me in some way of the ongoing contest between technology being used by police to catch speeders, and technology used by speeders to detect police. Nothing accomplishes either purpose perfectly, but the contest continues. There are many ways to attempt to control spam. I prefer to create my own filters within Outlook Express (known as Mail Rules). This takes time, it isn't perfect, but it gives me a strong sense of control over what I see and how I see it. There are products available, some free and some at cost, that will work better for many people because they require less effort than the do-it-yourself approach. Some of the more popular products are available through the links below. Be aware that your choice of product may be limited by the operating system that you use, as well as which email client you use (Outlook Express, Outlook, other). Features and personal preference are also considerations.
Current favorites:Ella (free, or $29.95 for ad-free version)
MailWasher (free)
Additional products:
Cloudmark SafetyBar (PC Magazine Editors' Choice)
MailFrontier Desktop (PC Magazine Editors' Choice)